/* * path format: * /net/raw * raw ethernet frames (read-write) * /net/arp * ARP cache (currently read-only) * /net/ * connect from (any ip) to on udp port 53 * /net/ * waits for a connection to any ip on udp port 53 * open() returns once a connection to ip on udp port 53 is received */ #include "proto.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include enum handle_type { H_ETHER, H_UDP, H_ARP, }; struct strqueue { struct strqueue *next; size_t len; char buf[]; }; struct handle { enum handle_type type; struct { struct udp_conn *c; struct strqueue *rx, *rxlast; } udp; handle_t reqh; }; static void udp_listen_callback(struct udp_conn *c, void *arg) { struct handle *h = arg; h->udp.c = c; _syscall_fs_respond(h->reqh, h, 0, 0); h->reqh = -1; } static void udp_recv_callback(const void *buf, size_t len, void *arg) { struct handle *h = arg; if (h->reqh >= 0) { _syscall_fs_respond(h->reqh, buf, len, 0); h->reqh = -1; return; } struct strqueue *sq = malloc(sizeof(*sq) + len); sq->next = NULL; sq->len = len; memcpy(sq->buf, buf, len); if (h->udp.rx) { h->udp.rxlast->next = sq; h->udp.rxlast = sq; } else { h->udp.rx = sq; h->udp.rxlast = sq; } } static void udp_recv_enqueue(struct handle *h, handle_t reqh) { if (h->reqh > 0) { // TODO queue _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); } else if (h->udp.rx) { _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, h->udp.rx->buf, h->udp.rx->len, 0); h->udp.rx = h->udp.rx->next; free(h->udp.rx); } else { h->reqh = reqh; } } static void fs_open(handle_t reqh, char *path) { #define respond(buf, val) do{ _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, buf, val, 0); return; }while(0) struct handle *h; if (*path != '/') respond(NULL, -1); path++; if (strcmp(path, "raw") == 0) { h = malloc(sizeof *h); h->type = H_ETHER; respond(h, 0); } else if (strcmp(path, "arp") == 0) { h = malloc(sizeof *h); h->type = H_ARP; respond(h, 0); } char *save; const char *verb, *proto, *port_s; uint32_t srcip, dstip; if (ip_parse(strtok_r(path, "/", &save), &srcip) < 0) respond(NULL, -1); if (srcip != 0) { eprintf("unimplemented"); respond(NULL, -1); } verb = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save); if (!verb) respond(NULL, -1); if (strcmp(verb, "listen") == 0) { proto = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save); if (!proto) respond(NULL, -1); if (strcmp(proto, "udp") == 0) { port_s = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save); if (port_s) { uint16_t port = strtol(port_s, NULL, 0); h = malloc(sizeof *h); memset(h, 0, sizeof *h); h->type = H_UDP; h->udp.c = NULL; h->reqh = reqh; udp_listen(port, udp_listen_callback, udp_recv_callback, h); return; } } } else if (strcmp(verb, "connect") == 0) { if (ip_parse(strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save), &dstip) < 0) respond(NULL, -1); proto = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save); if (!proto) respond(NULL, -1); if (strcmp(proto, "udp") == 0) { port_s = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save); if (port_s) { uint16_t port = strtol(port_s, NULL, 0); h = malloc(sizeof *h); memset(h, 0, sizeof *h); h->type = H_UDP; h->udp.c = udpc_new((struct udp){ .dst = port, .ip.dst = dstip, }, udp_recv_callback, h); if (h->udp.c) { respond(h, 0); } else { free(h); respond(NULL, -1); } } } } respond(NULL, -1); #undef respond } void fs_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg; const size_t buflen = 4096; char *buf = malloc(buflen); for (;;) { struct fs_wait_response res; handle_t reqh = _syscall_fs_wait(buf, buflen, &res); if (reqh < 0) break; struct handle *h = res.id; long ret; switch (res.op) { case VFSOP_OPEN: if (res.len < buflen) { buf[res.len] = '\0'; fs_open(reqh, buf); } else { _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); } break; case VFSOP_READ: switch (h->type) { case H_ETHER: { struct ethq *qe; qe = malloc(sizeof *qe); qe->h = reqh; qe->next = ether_queue; ether_queue = qe; break;} case H_UDP: udp_recv_enqueue(h, reqh); break; case H_ARP: arp_fsread(reqh, res.offset); break; default: _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); } break; case VFSOP_WRITE: switch (h->type) { case H_ETHER: ret = _syscall_write(state.raw_h, buf, res.len, 0, 0); _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, ret, 0); break; case H_UDP: udpc_send(h->udp.c, buf, res.len); _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, res.len, 0); break; default: _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); } break; case VFSOP_CLOSE: // TODO remove entries in queue // TODO why does close even have _syscall_fs_respond? if (h->type == H_UDP) udpc_close(h->udp.c); free(h); _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); break; default: _syscall_fs_respond(reqh, NULL, -1, 0); break; } } free(buf); }