#include <kernel/mem/alloc.h> #include <kernel/util.h> #include <kernel/vfs/mount.h> struct vfs_mount *vfs_mount_seed(void) { struct vfs_mount *mount = kmalloc(sizeof *mount); struct vfs_backend *backend = kmalloc(sizeof *backend); backend->type = VFS_BACK_ROOT; *mount = (struct vfs_mount){ .prev = NULL, .prefix = "", .prefix_len = 0, .backend = backend, }; return mount; } struct vfs_mount *vfs_mount_resolve( struct vfs_mount *top, const char *path, size_t path_len) { for (; top; top = top->prev) { if (top->prefix_len > path_len) continue; if (memcmp(top->prefix, path, top->prefix_len) != 0) continue; /* ensure that there's no garbage after the match * recognize that e.g. /thisasdf doesn't get recognized as mounted under * /this */ if (top->prefix_len == path_len) // can't happen if prefix == path break; if (path[top->prefix_len] == '/') break; } return top; }