#include <kernel/arch/generic.h> #include <kernel/malloc.h> #include <kernel/panic.h> #include <kernel/util.h> #include <shared/mem.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #define MALLOC_MAGIC 0xA770C666 struct malloc_hdr { uint32_t magic; uint32_t page_amt; struct malloc_hdr *next, *prev; void *stacktrace[4]; }; struct malloc_hdr *malloc_last = NULL; extern uint8_t pbitmap[], pbitmap_start[]; /* linker.ld */ static size_t pbitmap_len; static size_t pbitmap_searchstart = 0; static size_t pbitmap_taken = 0; static bool bitmap_get(size_t i) { size_t b = i / 8; assert(b < pbitmap_len); return 0 < (pbitmap[b] & (1 << (i&7))); } static void bitmap_set(size_t i, bool v) { size_t b = i / 8; uint8_t m = 1 << (i&7); assert(b < pbitmap_len); if ((pbitmap[b] & m) ^ v) { /* value changes */ if (v) pbitmap_taken++; else pbitmap_taken--; } if (v) pbitmap[b] |= m; else pbitmap[b] &= ~m; } void mem_init(void *memtop) { kprintf("memory %8x -> %8x\n", &_bss_end, memtop); size_t pageamt = ((uintptr_t)memtop - (uintptr_t)pbitmap_start) / PAGE_SIZE; pbitmap_len = pageamt / 8; memset(pbitmap, 0, pbitmap_len); mem_reserve(pbitmap, pbitmap_len); } void mem_reserve(void *addr, size_t len) { kprintf("reserved %8x -> %8x\n", addr, addr + len); /* align to the previous page */ size_t off = (uintptr_t)addr & PAGE_MASK; addr -= off; len += off; size_t first = ((uintptr_t)addr - (uintptr_t)pbitmap_start) / PAGE_SIZE; for (size_t i = 0; i * PAGE_SIZE < len; i++) { if (first + i >= pbitmap_len) break; if (bitmap_get(first + i)) panic_invalid_state(); bitmap_set(first + i, true); } } void mem_debugprint(void) { size_t total = 0; kprintf("current kmallocs:\n"); kprintf("addr pages\n"); for (struct malloc_hdr *iter = malloc_last; iter; iter = iter->prev) { kprintf("%08x %05x", iter, iter->page_amt); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) kprintf(" k/%08x", iter->stacktrace[i]); kprintf("\n peek 0x%x\n", *(uint32_t*)(&iter[1])); total++; } kprintf(" total 0x%x\n", total); kprintf("pbitmap usage %u/%u\n", pbitmap_taken, pbitmap_len * 8); } void *page_alloc(size_t pages) { /* i do realize how painfully slow this is */ size_t streak = 0; for (size_t i = pbitmap_searchstart; i < pbitmap_len * 8; i++) { if (bitmap_get(i)) { streak = 0; continue; } if (++streak >= pages) { /* found hole big enough for this allocation */ i = i + 1 - streak; for (size_t j = 0; j < streak; j++) bitmap_set(i + j, true); pbitmap_searchstart = i + streak - 1; return pbitmap_start + i * PAGE_SIZE; } } kprintf("we ran out of memory :(\ngoodbye.\n"); panic_unimplemented(); } void *page_zalloc(size_t pages) { void *p = page_alloc(pages); memset(p, 0, pages * PAGE_SIZE); return p; } // frees `pages` consecutive pages starting from *first void page_free(void *first_addr, size_t pages) { assert(first_addr >= (void*)pbitmap_start); size_t first = ((uintptr_t)first_addr - (uintptr_t)pbitmap_start) / PAGE_SIZE; if (pbitmap_searchstart > first) pbitmap_searchstart = first; for (size_t i = 0; i < pages; i++) { assert(bitmap_get(first + i)); bitmap_set(first + i, false); } } void kmalloc_sanity(const void *addr) { assert(addr); const struct malloc_hdr *hdr = addr - sizeof(struct malloc_hdr); assert(hdr->magic == MALLOC_MAGIC); if (hdr->next) assert(hdr->next->prev == hdr); if (hdr->prev) assert(hdr->prev->next == hdr); } void *kmalloc(size_t len) { // TODO better kmalloc struct malloc_hdr *hdr; void *addr; uint32_t pages; len += sizeof(struct malloc_hdr); pages = len / PAGE_SIZE + 1; hdr = page_alloc(pages); hdr->magic = MALLOC_MAGIC; hdr->page_amt = pages; hdr->next = NULL; hdr->prev = malloc_last; if (hdr->prev) { assert(!hdr->prev->next); hdr->prev->next = hdr; } for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) hdr->stacktrace[i] = debug_caller(i); malloc_last = hdr; addr = (void*)hdr + sizeof(struct malloc_hdr); #ifndef NDEBUG memset(addr, 0xCC, len); #endif kmalloc_sanity(addr); return addr; } void kfree(void *ptr) { struct malloc_hdr *hdr; uint32_t page_amt; if (ptr == NULL) return; hdr = ptr - sizeof(struct malloc_hdr); kmalloc_sanity(ptr); hdr->magic = ~MALLOC_MAGIC; // (hopefully) detect double frees if (hdr->next) hdr->next->prev = hdr->prev; if (hdr->prev) hdr->prev->next = hdr->next; if (malloc_last == hdr) malloc_last = hdr->prev; page_amt = hdr->page_amt; #ifndef NDEBUG memset(hdr, 0xC0, page_amt * PAGE_SIZE); #endif page_free(hdr, page_amt); }