#include "proto.h" #include "util.h" #include <assert.h> #include <camellia/syscalls.h> #include <string.h> enum { HdrType = 0, HdrTypeEther = 1, ProtoType = 2, HdrALen = 4, ProtoALen = 5, Operation = 6, OpReq = 1, OpReply = 2, }; struct arpc { struct arpc *next; uint32_t ip; mac_t mac; }; static struct arpc *arpcache; static void arpcache_put(uint32_t ip, mac_t mac); void arp_parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { if (len < Operation + 2) return; uint16_t htype = nget16(buf + HdrType); uint16_t ptype = nget16(buf + ProtoType); uint16_t op = nget16(buf + Operation); if (!(htype == HdrTypeEther && ptype == ET_IPv4)) return; enum { /* only valid for this combination of header + proto */ SrcMAC = 8, SrcIP = 14, DstMAC = 18, DstIP = 24, }; if (len < DstIP + 4) return; arpcache_put(nget32(buf + SrcIP), *(mac_t*)buf + SrcMAC); if (op == OpReq) { uint32_t daddr = nget32(buf + DstIP); if (daddr == state.ip) { uint8_t *pkt = ether_start(30, (struct ethernet){ .dst = (void*)(buf + SrcMAC), .type = ET_ARP, }); nput16(pkt + HdrType, HdrTypeEther); nput16(pkt + ProtoType, ET_IPv4); pkt[HdrALen] = 6; pkt[ProtoALen] = 4; nput16(pkt + Operation, OpReply); memcpy(pkt + SrcMAC, state.mac, 6); nput32(pkt + SrcIP, state.ip); memcpy(pkt + DstMAC, buf + SrcMAC, 10); /* sender's MAC and IP */ ether_finish(pkt); } } } void arp_request(uint32_t ip) { enum { SrcMAC = 8, SrcIP = 14, DstMAC = 18, DstIP = 24, }; uint8_t *pkt = ether_start(28, (struct ethernet){ .src = &state.mac, .dst = &MAC_BROADCAST, .type = ET_ARP, }); nput16(pkt + HdrType, HdrTypeEther); nput16(pkt + ProtoType, ET_IPv4); pkt[HdrALen] = 6; pkt[ProtoALen] = 4; nput16(pkt + Operation, OpReq); memcpy(pkt + SrcMAC, state.mac, 6); nput32(pkt + SrcIP, state.ip); memcpy(pkt + DstMAC, &MAC_BROADCAST, 6); nput32(pkt + DstIP, ip); ether_finish(pkt); } static void arpcache_put(uint32_t ip, mac_t mac) { for (struct arpc *iter = arpcache; iter; iter = iter->next) { if (memcmp(iter->mac, mac, 6) == 0) { if (iter->ip == ip) return; /* cache entry correct */ else break; /* cache entry needs updating */ } } struct arpc *e = malloc(sizeof *e); e->next = arpcache; e->ip = ip; memcpy(e->mac, mac, 6); arpcache = e; } int arpcache_get(uint32_t ip, mac_t *mac) { for (struct arpc *iter = arpcache; iter; iter = iter->next) { if (iter->ip == ip) { if (mac) memcpy(mac, iter->mac, 6); return 0; } } return -1; } void arp_fsread(hid_t h, long offset) { const char *fmt = "%08x\t%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n"; long linelen = snprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) + 1; char buf[28]; assert(linelen <= (long)sizeof(buf)); if (offset < 0) goto err; struct arpc *cur = arpcache; if (!cur) goto err; for (; linelen <= offset; offset -= linelen) { cur = cur->next; if (!cur) goto err; } assert(0 <= offset && offset < linelen); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, cur->ip, cur->mac[0], cur->mac[1], cur->mac[2], cur->mac[3], cur->mac[4], cur->mac[5]); _sys_fs_respond(h, buf + offset, linelen - offset, 0); return; err: _sys_fs_respond(h, NULL, -1, 0); } long arp_fswrite(const char *buf, long len, long offset) { if (offset != -1) return -1; uint32_t ip; char tmp[16]; size_t iplen = len < 15 ? len : 15; memcpy(tmp, buf, iplen); tmp[iplen] = '\0'; if (ip_parse(tmp, &ip) < 0) { return -1; } else { arp_request(ip); return len; } }